Complaints Process

IRC's Procedures for Handling Customer Complaints

The Commission is of the view that its duty to protect the interests of consumers extends to ensuring that DOMLEC not only deals fairly and equitably with its customers but in those circumstances where it is established that this has not been the case to prescribe the appropriate remedies.

Informal Complaints Process
Formal Complaint Briefing
Commission's Consideration of Complaint
Commissioner to Review Complaint
Utility to Reconcile the Matter
Resolution, Settlement or Dismissal

Formal Complaints Process

IRC is committed to providing a quality service to stakeholders and working in an open and accountable way.

If either the company or the customer is dissatisfied with the outcome of the procedure above and so advises the Commission, or if the company has not acted on the outcome of that process, a formal process may be initiated where the matter is referred to Board of the Commission.

The Commission will consider a formal complaint after the Executive Director has notified the Commission by way of the Complaint Briefing Form (in the Form provided at Annex 1) where (i) the Utility or the Customer, as the case might be, is dissatisfied by the initial ruling on a complaint or (ii) if initiated ab initio by any aggrieved person affected by any practice by a Utility, which the complainant alleges is in any respect unfair, unreasonable, unjust, or inadequate and the Executive Director determines that the matter is of sufficient regulatory importance, with regards to the salient issues, that it requires the attention of the Commission.

The Formal Complaint briefing form shall be copied simultaneously to the complainant and the affected utility.

News / Insights / Notices

Keeping You Informed

IRC Embarks on Site Visits to Assess Ongoing Electricity Generation Projects
IRC Meets Stakeholders re DOMLEC’s Capital Investment Plan & Revenue Requirement
IRC Hosts Public Consultation on WACC for DOMLEC
Rosette Germaine
Rosette Germaine

After Hurricane Maria was quite a challenging period for my family and to get my home electrified. What a relief that was when the IRC intervened. That …

Mary-Ann George
Mary-Ann George

As an elderly, it is a relief to know that there is someplace to call when in need. Thank you, IRC, the street lights have been restored by …

Cynthia Bellot
Cynthia Bellot

I learned about the IRC through one of their Health & Safety Campaign. I am happy to say that finally no more threat of rotten pole over my residence. …

Pinard Joseph
Pinard Joseph

I have a very good relationship with the IRC. Great customer service, prompt attention. If you are a consumer of electricity, find out how you can benefit …

Gilbert George
Gilbert George

IRC played a key role in getting our Distributive Energy System connected by providing critical solutions during times of conflict with the grid operator. …