Licensing in Dominica
The challenge IRC faced was providing a licensing framework for Regular Licenses (licenses other than interim licenses), especially generation licenses. Prior to the inauguration of IRC, there were already a number of existing and prospective independent power producers interested in investing in the generation of power in Dominica. It envisaged that a number of these companies will be approaching The IRC requesting licenses to enable them to commence operation.
To tackle this challenge, the Legal Support/Licensing Division will immediately have to review the terms in the Act and work on the drafting o a regulation on the application for licenses.
The draft regulation among other things provided for the manner and procedure for applying for a license.
News / Insights / Notices
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IRC Meets Stakeholders re DOMLEC’s Capital Investment Plan & Revenue Requirement
Stakeholders particularly customers and consumers of electricity in Dominica, have provided comments on two vital components related to the ongoing tariff review, that is DOMLEC’s …
IRC Hosts Public Consultation on WACC for DOMLEC
Stakeholders reached a consensus as responses were provided to the consultation questions during a face-to-face public meeting held by the Independent Regulatory Commission (IRC) regarding …