IRC Hosts Public Consultation on WACC for DOMLEC
Stakeholders reached a consensus as responses were provided to the consultation questions during a face-to-face public meeting held by the Independent Regulatory Commission (IRC) regarding DOMLEC’s Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), as part of the ongoing tariff review process. …
Changes Proposed To Tariff Regime For Domlec Ahead Of Electricity Rate Review
The Independent Regulatory Commission (IRC) has proposed new rules and changes to procedures for setting and reviewing tariffs for electricity supply. The IRC has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for stakeholder feedback, which describes its general approach to amending the “Tariff Regime for Dominica Electricity Services Ltd (DOMLEC). The IRC may issue an NPRM when it intends to amend rules or place a position in its Decision Documents, and request public comment on its proposals. The current NPRM has proposed guidelines that will resolve preliminary tasks that should be performed before DOMLEC issues its Notice of Intent to …
Attention Stakeholders of Dominica’s Electricity Sector
Document Reference #: 2022/001/NPRM.01 NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE MAKING (NPRM) Guidelines on the Preliminary Steps for the Submission of Information by DOMLEC leading up to the Final Tariff Determination Prior to the Licensee Submitting the Notice of Intent to File Please find within our online documents, within the CONSULTATIVE section, a copy of the Independent Regulatory Commission’s (IRC) Document Reference #: 2022/001/NPRM.01, for your organization’s information and comments. We recognize you are a stakeholder in this consultation process, and as such, you are welcomed to participate and express your opinions on this document. Your responses and comments should be submitted in …
SEURECA Provides Technical Assistance to IRC
French Engineering Firm Seureca is providing technical assistance to the Independent Regulatory Commission (IRC) to assess challenges associated with developing distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in Dominica. The Commission hosted the lead consultant on the project, Mr. Vincent Jalbert, who visited Dominica from March 21 to 24, 2022. He explained that the project will guide the electricity regulator on how best access to solar power can be expanded as an affordable source of electricity generation, particularly for residential customers, and reduce reliance on diesel fuel to generate electricity. “The project consists first of the identification of the constraints for developing …
DOMLECs RFPs for PCVA & Resilience Planning Consultant Services – EXTENDED
DOMLEC’s Request For Proposals for the Provision of Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Resilience Planning Consultant Services For Electrical Sector In Dominica. Proposals are invited for the provision of Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Resilience Planning Consultant Service for the Electrical Sector in Dominica to support their post Hurricane Maria efforts to restore the Electricity Generation and Supply System (The System) of the Commonwealth of Dominica, as well as their longer-term strategic objectives which includes critical objectives relating Climate Resiliency and Renewable Energy Generation. Under the Electricity Supply Act of 2006, Dominica Electricity Services Limited (DOMLEC) are the current Licensee with responsibility …