IRC Embarks on Site Visits to Assess Ongoing Electricity Generation Projects
In 2025, the Independent Regulatory Commission (IRC) will conduct site visits to assess various electricity generation projects, as part of its mandate to ensure a reliable and adequate electricity supply. …
IRC Begins Public Consultation on WACC for DOMLEC
A face-to-face consultation is scheduled for August 14, 2024, at the Dominica Public Service Union Building, where IRC and DOMLEC representatives will present on the topic. The WACC, representing the return needed to satisfy investors, including both debt and equity holders, will be crucial in determining shareholder compensation for investments in DOMLEC’s regulatory assets. …
IRC Hosts Public Consultation on DOMLEC’s Depreciation Rate
The Independent Regulatory Commission (IRC), as part of the progressing Electricity Tariff/Rate Review for the Dominica Electricity Services (DOMLEC) Ltd, hosted its first in-person public consultation on Thursday, February 22, 2024, at the St. Alphonsus Parish Hall. …
NARUC Hosts Peer-to-Peer Forum on Tariff Rate Review
The sessions focused on Regulatory Framework for Tariff Setting and Review; Key Concepts, Definitions, Roles and Responsibilities and Key Considerations; and Public and Stakeholder Engagement Methods. The IRC reported on the status of its tariff review of 2023, providing insight on successes, challenges, and considerations for change. …
Lower Fuel Surcharge, Increased Hydro Output to Reduce Bills
Residents could see a reduction in their December Electricity Bill. This is because the fuel surcharge rate to be added to electricity bills for December is lower in comparison to the past ten months. December’s fuel surcharge rate is $0.4682 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh). The fuel surcharge rate has not been below $0.50 cents since February 2022. A lower bill is hinged on the transition from warmer to cooler temperatures, as less fuel is used by the electric utility to generate electricity. Another contributor to a lower bill, in this case, is the resumption of the PADU Hydro Power …