The Independent Regulatory Commission (IRC) Dominica’s electricity regulator has started a nationwide programme to register all generators in Dominica. The register of self generators is being compiled by the IRC in a bid to add to current statistics on electricity capacity and usage as well as to help in monitoring and improving safety standards in the sector.
The register will include anyone who owns a generator whether fuel-based or renewable. The IRC is working with the government electrical division and has contacted other relevant groups which have access to information regarding the use/ownership of generators within the community.
Owners of generators above 20kW must obtain licences from the IRC, as this is required by law:
(ESA No. 10 of 2006 31. (3) A generation licence shall be required for all generation sets of 20 Kilowatt or greater that are not connected to the national grid, and are issued for the purpose of promoting safe operation of the system.)
However, ALL self-generators, (however small their units may be) are now required to register with the IRC. This will assist the Commission in exercising its duty to “encourage the operation and development of a safe, efficient and economic electricity sector in Dominica” and “ensure the availability of health and safety guidance in relation to electricity supply to the public”, (ESA No. 10 of 2006 20.(1)(b) and (f)).
Forms are available around the country at Village Council and/or Post Offices and other community outlets. The form is also available online at www.ircdominica.org and from the IRC office in Roseau.
Anne Jno Baptiste
Kindly email registration form for generator. Ours is very small and expected use would be for hurricane aftermath
Minnie On
This is more govt. intrusion and is a means of collecting the carbon tax which is being imposed deceptively worldwide. I as well as many others am not in agreement with this policy. Considering that DOMLEC has to have energy outages rotating monthly,which inconveniences people greatly, I don’t feel that gauging and gouging people that live off the grid provides any type of useful information. What we need here is competition and the development of geothermal energy. Then electricity would be cheap and DOMLEC would very likely be no more. The people don’t need any more taxes thank you.
where exactly on the website is this form?