Attention Stakeholders of Dominica’s Electricity Sector
Document Reference #: 2022/001/NPRM.01 NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE MAKING (NPRM) Guidelines on the Preliminary Steps for the Submission of Information by DOMLEC leading up to the Final Tariff Determination Prior to the Licensee Submitting the Notice of Intent to File Please find within our online documents, within the CONSULTATIVE section, a copy of the Independent Regulatory Commission’s (IRC) Document Reference #: 2022/001/NPRM.01, for your organization’s information and comments. We recognize you are a stakeholder in this consultation process, and as such, you are welcomed to participate and express your opinions on this document. Your responses and comments should be submitted in …
IRC prepares for tariff review of DOMLEC
The Independent Regulatory Commission (IRC) is preparing to review electricity rates for Dominica Electricity Services Ltd. (DOMLEC). As the regulator of the electricity sector in Dominica, the Electricity Supply Act No. 10 of 2006 empowers the IRC to review and approve electricity rates. Speaking at a news conference on Thursday, March 17th, Executive Director of the IRC, Justinn Kase, explained that costs incurred by DOMLEC will guide the determination of electricity rates. “Expectations of the exercise is that we will do our best to analyze DOMLEC’s expenses, capital investments and operational costs and all these different costs that are required …